Other Wrist Adornments
I've always been a fan of wrist-based technology, and a few other nerdy watches have had brief tenures on my wrist.

The Casio VDB-1000 was an amazing watch, besting most anything on the market today (and it was released in 1991!). It had a dot-matrix face with a full touchscreen. In addition to the typical phone number storage, it also had a calculator and a full calendar display. Sadly, the screen on the one I got recently on eBay has lost it's sensitivity and clarity after 17 years.
The On Hand PC is, as it's name implies, a full little PC. It has a sharp B&W screen, a joystick-like mouse, and runs small programs. Unfortunately, it's HUGE. It also drains batteries so fast it comes with a keychain that holds spares.

Casio's WVA-510A Waveceptor is solar powered, and sets itself with signals from the atomic clock. Cool concept, in that in theory it never would need any maintenance, but the little digital display is hard to read, and it isn't very comfortable. It was my first purchase from WOOT.com
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