Thursday, November 6, 2008

And just like that, *poof*... he's gone.

While at RPI I worked at the campus movie theater, UPAC Cinema, and was the chairman my senior year. While at Witch's Teat, I ditched the frisbee teams party Saturday night to watch the weekend's movie, The Usual Suspects. It's one of my favorites, and I couldn't resists seeing it on the big screen.

I hadn't watched it in a few years, and am still amazed how great it is. It was only Bryan Singers second movie, and the whole convoluted plot arose simply from the idea of a movie poster showing a lineup of 5 crooks, and the title "The Usual Suspects." Singer thought that would be a good title for a film, and started writing from there.

The directors commentary on the DVD is unusually good, as he give a lot of insight into how this movie developed, how some of the best moments were accidents, and where all the goofs are.


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