Why do "trailers" come *before* the movie?
 I saw "Quantum of Solace" this weekend, movie 2 in the James Bond reboot. Was it the best Bond movie ever? I don't know about that, but it was pretty good. The action of Bourne, with the convoluted plot of a typical Bond romp. A little light on the gadgets for my taste, and totally Q-less. Speaking of reboots, the trailer for "Star Trek", J. Abrams reboot of the series of the same name, premiered before it. I also have mixed feelings on this one, though it looks to be a fun special-effects extravaganza. I like that they kept the bright color pallet of TOS, sound effects, and other ques, but there are too many explosions and Vulcan emotions (and that's just counting the trailer). Watchmen also released their full trailer. I'm really excited about this one, in no small part because Zack Snyder really knows how to cut a trailer. Both Watchmen trailers are fantastic, and integrate music in a way most editors don't even attempt. Harry Potter also doesn't want to be left out of this trailer-fest.
And just like that, *poof*... he's gone.
 While at RPI I worked at the campus movie theater, UPAC Cinema, and was the chairman my senior year. While at Witch's Teat, I ditched the frisbee teams party Saturday night to watch the weekend's movie, The Usual Suspects. It's one of my favorites, and I couldn't resists seeing it on the big screen. I hadn't watched it in a few years, and am still amazed how great it is. It was only Bryan Singers second movie, and the whole convoluted plot arose simply from the idea of a movie poster showing a lineup of 5 crooks, and the title "The Usual Suspects." Singer thought that would be a good title for a film, and started writing from there. The directors commentary on the DVD is unusually good, as he give a lot of insight into how this movie developed, how some of the best moments were accidents, and where all the goofs are.
 Every year RPI hosts a Frisbee tournament in November called Witch's Teat. In years past, alums have come together to enter as well, but lately the fields have been sadly lacking in "Old Doods". This year we managed to get a team together, and ran a modified zone defense we dubbed "The Blob." Saturday's only loss only to RPI (11-12), and after trouncing RPI 15-4 on Sunday, lost to the Skidmore Wombats in the championships 13-15. Goodbyes were a little half-hearted... we'll all see each other again this weekend at the RPI frisbee teams' annual Reunion, Tournament, and Thanksgiving Dinner.
Happy Halloween
 Since I'm too old to go trick-or-treating, I've been going to a costumed Halloween-Night Frisbee game, organized by the CUC. We all come to play in our costumes, and prizes are awarded for Best, Worst, and Most Disturbing costume. Two years ago I won "best" for my Joker outfit (makeup, green hair, purple suit, and everything). Last year I was told I would have won for my frisbee-in-the-head, except that I had won in '06. This year, again, I won best costume for Clark Kent. I'd better get started on next years...